
Cayo Perico Island for Single Player [RPH] 1.1.0


Welcome to Cayo Perico!

Location of the map: south east, behind the aircraft carrier (do not have North Yankton loaded at same time because Rockstar placed the island at the same place)

Cars & peds aren't spawning by default, nothing I can do about it.

If you're a developer and you make callouts on the Island, please leave a link to this mod in your description and/or readme!

Feel free to put suggestions in the comments.

Installation: drag & drop everything inside the GTA 5 folder (you don't need any of the text files except CayoPericoIPLs.txt)

Do not forget to add the plugin to load on startup with RagePluginHook, or load the plugin manually in RPH's console!
If you need any assistance or want to check out my work, join my Discord server: Vincentsgm Modifications


- RAGEPluginHook (not included)

- RAGENativeUI (included version 1.8)

Known issues:

- main city disappears from the radar when loading the Island's minimap (optional after 1.1.0)

- water can go through the ground (change the weather to Extra Sunny in a trainer, or type "SetWeatherType ExtraSunny" in RagePluginHook console to minimize the height of the waves until a fix is found) fixed in next update

- island doesn't land for a very few people, could be gameconfig related

If you get crashes while playing LSPDFR on the island, do not panic it is not because of my plugin, but because LSPDFR doesn't support the island's traffic paths yet. Forum topic

Source code: GitHub

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İlk Yüklenme Zamanı: 18 Aralık 2020, Cuma
Son Güncellenme Zamanı: 22 Aralık 2020, Salı
Last Downloaded: 13 dakika önce

All Versions

 1.1.0 (current)

51.667 indirme , 320 KB
18 Aralık 2020, Cuma

48 Yorum