
Initial D 6 AA Speedometer Hud 1.4



Thanks for downloading Initial D 6AA Speedometer Hud by I'm Not MentaL.
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This mod brings Speedometer from Initial D 6AA into GTA V. And this is the first .NET Speedometer.

- Latest ScriptHookV
- Latest Community Script Hook V .NET
- Visual C++ Redistributable Packages x64
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2

1. Make sure you have all the Requirements Installed.
2. Extract, Drag and Drop the files in 'To your scripts folder' to your 'scripts' Folder.
3. If you don't have a 'scripts' folder, Right click to create one.
4. Enjoy.

Known Bugs
- If your computer user name has Unicode Character, ScriptHookV might crash (SCRIPT HOOK V CRITICAL ERROR, FATAL: directx texture).
- If you have a 4:3 Aspect Ratio display, you might need to adjist the Axis of the Speedometer.

Refresh Setting file in Game: Bring up the game console with the tilde (~) button on your PC keyboard and enter "uidhs".
Turn On/Off: Bring up the game console with the tilde (~) button on your PC keyboard and enter "id6hud on/off".
Switch to MPH: Open InitialDHud.ini with notepad, find 'GLOBAL', change 'Unit=Kmh' to 'Unit=Mph'
Adjust Speedometer: Open InitialDHud.ini with notepad, find 'GLOBAL', Increase 'X' to move right, Decrease 'X' to move left, Increase 'Y' to move down, Decrease 'Y' to move up.
Disable hud on First person: Open InitialDHud.ini with notepad, find 'GLOBAL', change 'HideOnFirstPerson=0' to 'HideOnFirstPerson=1'
Disable Drift Light: Open InitialDHud.ini with notepad, find 'GLOBAL', change 'Drift=1' to 'Drift=0'

- Added Electric Hud for electric vehicles
- Added Light feature when you car headlights are turned on

- Added Option to hide hud while in First Person
- Added Drift Light when Drifting
- Fixed Mph still show Kmh
- Minor bugs fixed

- Added 8k, 10k, 13k RPM (8k for normal vehicle, 9k for sports, 10k for super, 13k for superbike)

- Resized 20% smaller
- Gear Number position fixed
- Speed Numbers Height fixed
- Invinsible if driving a Bicycle, Plane or Helicopter
- Added Option to turn on/off

-Initial Release

Rockstar Games, Alexander Blade, Crosire
Big thanks to Vegetable Tsai who created the texture files

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İlk Yüklenme Zamanı: 15 Ağustos 2017, Salı
Son Güncellenme Zamanı: 19 Ağustos 2017, Cumartesi
Last Downloaded: 43 dakika önce

All Versions

 1.4 (current)

103.709 indirme , 950 KB
19 Ağustos 2017, Cumartesi


790 indirme , 690 KB
18 Ağustos 2017, Cuma


911 indirme , 610 KB
16 Ağustos 2017, Çarşamba


412 indirme , 410 KB
15 Ağustos 2017, Salı


722 indirme , 410 KB
15 Ağustos 2017, Salı

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