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@lucasvinbr i get errors when loading into singeplayer nothing works. Unhandled exeption in script gta.gangandturfmod.gang memeberupdater null reference exepections bij gta.gangandturfmod.gangmemberupdater.ontick {object sender, evenrargs e
Great mod would be nice if there are more buyable buildings.
@lucasvinbr how can I do that I want the map full with colors but when I take it wil get my color. And this mod is awesome played since it came out so much have changed its just awesome.
How did you make the character creation. im looking for a mod that only has character creation.
@dominik444 go to marker on the map
I got a question can I make the incons on the map more like colour like in gta San Andreas when you attack it the color goes to red then green
@lucasvinbr It would be nice if you take over that turf like before, so that the color of your gang words than in the whole region
whats the point of this mod im not getting it can some one tell me
@lucasvinbr I have a question when i w ll upgrade territory it improve but when you click B and then go to gang upgrade menu then click gang upgrades again will you see upgrade gang base but isnt it the same as control n then uprade current zone gang base is 100k and upgrade zone is 15k