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  • F9b79d newtheft

    @drp4lyf The problem is that if someone is looking through the scripts and decides to lookup one of these natives in nativeDB then they won't be able to find it and will end up confused.

    20 Aralık 2016, Salı
  • F9b79d newtheft

    @drp4lyf Also you didn't use the most recent natives.h file from nativeDB when decompiling. I've found the actual names of about 100 natives the last few days, but in the scripts the hash still comes up for all of them.

    20 Aralık 2016, Salı
  • F9b79d newtheft

    @drp4lyf Is there any way you could make your decompiler not treat the functions that simply set or get the value of a global variable as a separate function? When I'm trying to read a script it makes it very hard going back and forth to different functions just to find out that all the function does is set/get a variable.

    20 Aralık 2016, Salı
  • F9b79d newtheft

    Nice one!

    23 Ekim 2016, Pazar
  • F9b79d newtheft

    Really nice mod man, one of the few good quality ones. Some suggestions:
    1. You mentioned above you weren't sure how to implement the ransom mechanic, here is a relatively simple way of doing it: When you demand a ransom of a ped, if the ped has someone willing to pay it (should be a random chance), then you should get a waypoint to a certain location to meet the collector. The collector walks up to the car and gives up the money and the ped is automatically released. However there should also be a random chance that it is an ambush, and if so, you automatically get a wanted level when you reach the waypoint!

    2. If you rob a car with ped(s) in the passenger seats, you should be able to take them hostage. Should be very easy to implement.

    20 Ocak 2016, Çarşamba
  • F9b79d newtheft

    @MMK_033 There's a random chance of it being xmas/blizzard

    25 Mayıs 2015, Pazartesi
  • F9b79d newtheft

    @TheWetSockOfDOOM Believe me I tried, but there's no viable way to do it :( In the bank heist mission, Rockstar manually spawned snowy police cars, so the only way to it is to manually spawn them whenever you get wanted which is extremely difficult. As for the pedestrians on the street, I guess it would be possible, but again very hard since peds aren't meant to spawn in North Yankton.

    24 Mayıs 2015, Pazar