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Really good mod but I'm getting some crashes. I know it's this mod because it happened more than once while I was spam-buying items.
THIS IS ACTUALLY INSANE! All of your Star Wars ship models are CRAZY, BRO!!!
PERFECT for any Winter Soldier mod, because Bucky uses this gun in Infinity War!!!
I like this because the comic sans font is actually what I use when writing books-- it sparks creativity believe it or not!
The mod name XD great mod XD
Can you work on weapons next? Good mod though!
Amazing! The pistols sound great. 5/5, great job with the sound design. I will definitely use this for as long as I play GTA 5!
This... is... perfect. When I put these files into my game, I'm gonna spawn a TON of Shreks in the swamp next to Fort Zancudo.
When I saw this, the geek inside of me exploded and forced me to click it.
Amazing, perfect, wonderful- Graphic, intense, and beautiful at the same tiime. SUPER realistic, skin gets torn off and you can see it sticking out! Now how awesome is that??