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@Shord49506 hi, it seems R has some kind of 'protection'. You need for once start game in "Online mode" and then you will be able to play it "Offline". Some kind of verification. So the answer is NO.
Just taked a quick look, scripts doesn't have "Delayed Expansion" enabled, so pressing keys will not work. Author nees to update scripts with: SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
Anyone who has problem, open the script with notepad and AFTER/BELOW @echo off add that line and script should work.
@ParanormalBanana Yeah, no problem.
@thesilentviper Yeah, probably will not work ever. Actually the problem i think is that game and launcher paths different, that's why it doesn't work. It can be easy modified in scripts, but i don't use epic launcher with this game.
@NicoBaldoma Probably your game files, this is also won't work, since script is for those who bought game in rockastar games launcher.
@Viditsan On cracked version you don't need anything since you won't be able to play online.
@cosssmin It is for playing online or offline. Since i like to play with some mods, this little script was created for playing with or without mods.. Probably yes, you will get banned if you add money to yourself with some third part tools.
@lceMan What kind of "mod menu"? Using some third part tools in online sessions is forbidden.
@yzhlzz Sorry for late update. Using command line parameter, folders "scripts" and "mods" will be renamed. I didn't added it to menu because using command arguments (-online or -offline) is simpler than pressing keys everytime.
@yzhlzz Yes, it's possible. Let me ask, why you need it?
@c00lodzije Yes
@LegendOfRacers Yes
@yzhlzz This file from GTA launcher, it should exist in Rockstar Games\Launcher folder.
@bendgamer script was for Launcher. I don't have steam version, so i can't test it.