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@JP-Julia , if u noob , of course it's correct answer for you . I didn't expect anything else . Pff
@JP-Julia , no it's not . *ROFL*
@JP-Julia , of course better because ahmedo has eyes problem , every his car has poor proportions , bad wheels \ brakes textures etc .
# More Forza Cars #
PS : And pls made Audi RS7 and destroy ahmeblabla99 xD
Go more Forza cars :)
Bentley , Taycan , Merc etc )
Nice ... Always hate this effect hehe
Thanks for X\Y positions Bro . Now waiting for hiding when Mobile Phone is opened and also next : needs control of low beam headlight mode for any weather \ timeset , because I didn't find any "correct" solution to enable headlights at daytime ... First Blue icon ( low beam ) - not displayed on Your UI dash ( works only for far-mode ) , or displayed but ONLY with Foggy \ Rain Weather ( Enabled in Enhanced Native Trainer )
And second maybe needs something like quick steering speed mode .. because I'm has to use another mod and steering too slow at low speeds or for Racing .
SlowSpeedWheelTurnSpeed=0.0075 <this
MediumSpeedWheelTurnSpeed=0.0155 <this
But anyway this heavy steer amazing especially if car is stopped ... so try this .
@Lieutenant Dan , wow .. so , after some cruising I'm really amazed of Your work ... U r true genius .
Some moments : I'm not find basically values of X\Y positions for all UI dashboard . ( If change safezone from 0 to 100 , UI don't change position .. like radar etc ) I think needs option to move upper because Your UI displayed via the Car \ Street name strings in bottom right corner ...
It also displayed across the phone .. If open phone in the car ( in third person ) - UI don't hide .
And another ( saw in nfsgauges too ) : if made savegame in car - after each restarting of game at loadscreens already - can see UI ( before game's loaded with world etc ) .
Maybe note something else later , but anyway it's true " must have " mod #1 for keyboard's driving , well done ...
Very good replace for some stuffs like nfs nuages & smooth throotle . But now with fully custom UI ... Thx I can stay on it .
PS : I saw some blinks of UI dashboard .. Like some option "update_hertz=28" in NFSGauges ... ( needs set 30+ to fix blinks , but it's not completely helps )
Bad works with Wheels Turn Back & SmoothThrottle - needs to change Custom Steering to 0 for ManualTransmission because wheels turn back to center if engine disabled by X key .
( In SmoothThrottle_SETTINGS.ini : EnableHeavySteering=true , StoppedWheelTurnSpeed=0.0315 )