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    @Dokota628 Thanks for the work. I've got the console running, but still got some problem when I tried to get the location of vehicles and pedestrian on the screen. the coordinates are not correct. I am using the following code:
    Rectangle3D bb3d = new Rectangle3D(location, size).Rotate(GTAFuncs.GetEntityQuaternion(v)); // to get the 3d bounding box of entity v
    foreach (var cv in bb3d.Corners)
    // get the 3d corner mapped to 2d screen
    GTA.Math.Vector2 cv2 = GTAFuncs.WorldToScreen(cv.Value);
    // draw the lines to show the 3d bounding box mapped to screen.

    It seems that does not work. And the method Rectangle3D.DrawWireFrame() does not work too on my laptop.
    I have done some modifications on you code to make it work with latest ScriptHookVDotNet,
    UI.WIDTH --> UI.Screen.Width
    UI.Height --> UI.Screen.Height etc.

    Why I need the pixel coordinates of vehicles and pedestrians on screen? Is that
    I am using GTA5 for training an AI that can detect and recognize the vehicle and pedestrians on the screen.
    Can you help me with this problem, that could means a lot to my research.

    7 Ağustos 2016, Pazar