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- Araba
[BETA 2.0]
By stagg60
I would like, if some one know make à gta 5's fabulous car, so i Will playing with his xantia :)
@kevuk85 If someone can create an better model it Will be wonderfull, i doesnt like add on, i prefere remplace car on game. This model are here Just because nobody make this car before, i am not an modder Just a man Who want playing with his irl car. :)
@m_loveing20 In first time sorry for my english, im french, i dont have much time to work on my mods, but all help its welcome, its my first mod. I tried make this car Just because nobody make xantia for gta 5 and i ve an xantia irl so its Just for driving my car in game... My files arent locked so anybody can try to make an better xantia with this 3D model.
@Kawaliere j'ai retravaillé le 3D d'un mods de gta 4, mais il y a beuacoups de chose à rajouté et transformé pour qu'un véhicule de gta4 fonctionne sous gta 5 , les collision, les feux, les textures et autre même certaine structure 3D, je met en ligne de suite la beta 2 avec un toit 3d basic et un sol basic pour l'intérieur, et les feux avant arrière fonctionnel.
@Kawaliere Si jai le temps j essayerais, cest pas simple à faire, ya quasiment pas de tuto sur le net...
When i Will finish this car, because it need more perfection, i can try to make an xsara but this take many time, i dont have good lvl in z modeler 3. Sorry for my english, im french.