
鹿島痛車 Paint Job for M3 E36 Rocket Bunny 1.1

A4f7ee 20170402000756 1
A4f7ee 20170402001359 1
A4f7ee 20170402002305 1


Here I modified my model, implementing:
Paint Jobs on door glasses
And a Kashima PJ made myself is included in the archive, I've spent much time doing this, because she's my favorite ship girl.


Note that the glasses ONLY and ALWAYS show what's on the "E36EB_sign_1"

Art source: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=54488744
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İlk Yüklenme Zamanı: 2 Nisan 2017, Pazar
Son Güncellenme Zamanı: 2 Nisan 2017, Pazar
Last Downloaded: 9 gün önce

All Versions

 1.1 (current)

758 indirme , 16 MB
2 Nisan 2017, Pazar

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