AirForce Intercept When Wanted w/ SixStar Support! 1.7
If you guys ever played & loved "Jet Intercept When Wanted" mod, Or the recent release of "Helicopter Intercept When Wanted", then buckle your seat belts for this one. For they have full fledged joined the AirForce Military. Now under a single roof, they'll be managed by the military & comes with few delightful configurations at users pleasure.
This Mod will also serve as base compliment to upcoming release of "Army At SixStars" mod, Airforce division, giving players action packed & heart-racing moments they'll hopefully never forget.
"Custom Wanted & AirForce Traffic" New Features:
The "Heli Intercept When Wanted" mod, for many who have tested it, will now be merged with the Airforce dispatch mod, thereby consolidating both mods into one (Jets & Heli's).
Four New AirTraffic Scenario's Are Available For Player Use (Jets, Heli's, including Coast Guard & Planes).
All original features from "Jet Intercept When Wanted" & "Heli Intercept When Wanted" Is included, as well as overall stability improvements & removal of any left over bugs, from those original scripts.
Can support up to 5 simultaneous Jets/Gunner Planes & UAV Drones, & of course any custom DLC types of your choice, that's recognized as plane. Now Ai pilots can have a Co-pilot with them, for any 2 seat Jets being used in pursuit. Both the Pilot & Co-pilots are now configurable in the ini settings.
Added SixStar support & compatibility for the upcoming "Army At SixStars" mod, which will be mostly directed for the US Airforce division.
Added New Real-time UI Airforce dispatch response, so players can get an idea of whats coming there way!
The "Custom Wanted Level" configuring, still remains from 3 to 5 stars, with SixStar support for ArmyAtSixStar Mod.
For the Heli Section, custom Ped add-ons will be supported. Currently defaulted to US Airforce division, with "SMY MARINES" taking charge. Users can change this to any of there liking using PedHash entry values.
Up to 8 Peds will be supported for Helicopter mounting, given the selected choice of Heli vehicle has the 8-seat capacity. Peds are tasked & directed to shoot on site, with variety of weapons, so don't think they'll just look pretty & clueless while flying high.
The Coast Guard Has Now Joined With The AirForce Division, dealing with all matters related to the coast, ocean & Submarine warfare! DLC add-ons is also supported & up to 8 Peds can be mounted, if Heli supports it.
A New General Plane Traffic Section Added: This is just for general Air Traffic scenario, where planes of your choice can spawn by arriving & taking off randomly to any of the 2 airports of Los Santos.
ScriptHookVDotNet 3.5 & Above
.NET Runtime 4.8
Recommended Complimentary Mod:
Army At SixStars Mod
Recommended Enhancements:
Air condensation on wings
Aircraft Flares and Chaff Countermeasures
Drop all files into your GTA5 scripts folder.
Change log:
v1.0 -
Official Release!
v1.1 -
> Added Option for mounting a Co-pilot for Ai ped pilot as a second seater. Both Pilot & Co-pilot Ped models are now configurable via ini setting file.
> Introduced The "Coast Guard Heli" Unit into the AirForce Division. Will be responsible for all things maritime related throughout ocean of San Andreas. Furthermore can also support up to 8 mounted Peds for their Heli, DLC add-on or vanilla. Follows the same Wanted Scheme as the Heli Wanted.
> Lastly Some Minor Additional Improvements Made.
v1.2 -
> Added ability for pilot's to engage in vehicle Ejection, upon any serious damage to their jet planes, alongside their Co-pilot. Although Parachute prop has been supplied, it is still yet observed in action, so more future testing maybe needed.
> Added Max Count capacity support for up to 8 Jets or Heli's to be able to spawn without issue, though the maximum 5 model random selection entry still remains, otherwise it could cause your game to crash if you go over. As always make sure your PC can handle this extra computing demand.
> Defaulted Coast Guard Heli's to spawn with "inBoatOnly" option, though they will stay remain in pursuit even after player leaves their boat, for they have been given authority over Water/Maritime related matters for engagement, which includes being in a Sub, underwater, swimming & etc. & will not cross over to land, except for the beach coast.
> Located & corrected some left-over minor & persistent errors that occasionally came up after long period gameplay, as a result of additional coding added. Now the Mod is made more robust & future-proof than ever!
v1.3 -
> Corrected the unresponsive Coast Guard Section, for the inBoatOnly parameter.
> Added a few more property conditions for spawning Coast Guard in the water, which wasn't really responsive from the last update.
> Private planes from the 'General Plane Traffic' section, can now be seen in the private plane parking lots, when visiting LSIA. As well as playing out there scripted Ai pilot controlled Arrival & Take-off scenario's.
v1.4 -
> Corrected a mistake made with the "Coast Guard" division, causing it to respond to Wanted Players entering any vehicle, instead of specific water-based vehicles, which eventually caused it to appear inland.
> Now added support for configurable WeaponHashes, (using the weapon name model, not values) on Heli & Coast Guard Peds. Now users are able to customize their choice of weapons they want for each mounted Ped, this includes giving them an RPG:), all except for the driver pilot obviously.
> Added the ability for Heli Pilots to perform "Emergency Landings", if & when their Heli vehicle sustains considerable damage, forcing all mounted Peds to disembark & continue their mission in pursuit of wanted Player suspect, on foot.
> Provided Jet pilots with a better parachute deployment script, upon there Ejection from a damaged Jet, although this remains to be tested for thorough conclusive proof.
v1.5 -
> Added a "Ped Model Name" input into the settings config ini file, for conveniently choosing your Peds model by name. Pedhash value input is no longer to be used. Note, When selecting a custom dlc add-on Ped you've created, it is advised not to make them a Heli driver, if you ever run into issues where the Heli keeps turning away upon arriving, until you can properly configure there Relationship status from their Ped.meta file, which is to be under a "cop" group.
Moreover, when specifically adding custom dlc add-on Peds, please mark them inside a quotation ".......", like this, PedName="navyseals", for all other original game model Peds like the SMM or SMY you don't need to use that. Write them normally using lower-case letters & avoid Capital letters.
> Added the ability to Turn off UI notification, by setting it to either "true" or "false". It comes Pre-Defaulted to "true".
v1.6 -
> Made decision to remove "Air Traffic" section from the mod, as it was under-developed & not widely used.
> Made slight Improvements to the Jet pilots "Ejection bail-out" function, whenever planes are deemed too damaged or undrivable.
> Added a new 'DogFighter' Enabler mode, for allowing Jet pilots to target at multiple target locations at once (air-to-ground & air-to-air) within a decent large radius from the user that are deemed allies of the Game player user!
> Added a 'MaxSpeed Boost' Regulator for allowing Jet planes to fly at an average speed rate whenever needed, thus enabling certain fast jets to use their maximum potential & not be bottlenecked by random slower speed rates.
> Minor Improvements made to overall mod stability & allowing for more plane models to be entered to the list without causing game crashes.
> Added Weapon Component attachments (Flash-lights on weapons) for all Heli & Paratrooper unit divisions, only visible during night-time hours!
> Few Minor Improvements made to the Spawning conditions for the, San Andreas/US Coast Guard Heli Unit Division!
> Introduced A Brand New Division, SA 'Army Airborne ParaTroopers' Unit, support for many dlc seated Cargo planes (i.e. Kawasaki C-2), many avaivable config. customizations, up to 7-ped mounts & plane piloting settings!
v1.7 -
> Fixed problems with Paratroopers not being recognized as cops relationship group, thus being shot at by law enforcement after landfall.
> Fixed a problem with Heli dismounted soldiers not being recognized as cops relationship group, thus leading to stand-offs with nearby cops.
> Made slight improvements to Paratrooper Plane round-about aerial path trajectory during dispatch.
> Improvements made to overall Paratrooper air gliding to landing process.
> Added "Search Light" toggle feature for Airforce Helicopters & Coast Guard Heli, best seen when its dark.
> Added ability for users to edit/customize "Dispatch Notification Message".
> Improved better spawning distance perception, for both Airforce Heli & Coast Guard Heli.
> Added ability for users to set there own ParaTrooper "Parachute Landing Type" animation, after soliders make landfall.
--- Please be advised, not to use both Paratrooper functions during gameplay, from either this mod or "Army At SixStars" mod. Either turn one off & use the other but not both together. As enabling both mod features of paratrooper planes in action, can cause soldiers to not be able to use there parachutes in time or just fall out of the sky, due to similar sharing of code for execution.
-Comes with Read-me instruction.
Please No re-uploading, modification or selling of this mod is permitted without full informed consent & permission by me.
This Mod will also serve as base compliment to upcoming release of "Army At SixStars" mod, Airforce division, giving players action packed & heart-racing moments they'll hopefully never forget.
"Custom Wanted & AirForce Traffic" New Features:
The "Heli Intercept When Wanted" mod, for many who have tested it, will now be merged with the Airforce dispatch mod, thereby consolidating both mods into one (Jets & Heli's).
Four New AirTraffic Scenario's Are Available For Player Use (Jets, Heli's, including Coast Guard & Planes).
All original features from "Jet Intercept When Wanted" & "Heli Intercept When Wanted" Is included, as well as overall stability improvements & removal of any left over bugs, from those original scripts.
Can support up to 5 simultaneous Jets/Gunner Planes & UAV Drones, & of course any custom DLC types of your choice, that's recognized as plane. Now Ai pilots can have a Co-pilot with them, for any 2 seat Jets being used in pursuit. Both the Pilot & Co-pilots are now configurable in the ini settings.
Added SixStar support & compatibility for the upcoming "Army At SixStars" mod, which will be mostly directed for the US Airforce division.
Added New Real-time UI Airforce dispatch response, so players can get an idea of whats coming there way!
The "Custom Wanted Level" configuring, still remains from 3 to 5 stars, with SixStar support for ArmyAtSixStar Mod.
For the Heli Section, custom Ped add-ons will be supported. Currently defaulted to US Airforce division, with "SMY MARINES" taking charge. Users can change this to any of there liking using PedHash entry values.
Up to 8 Peds will be supported for Helicopter mounting, given the selected choice of Heli vehicle has the 8-seat capacity. Peds are tasked & directed to shoot on site, with variety of weapons, so don't think they'll just look pretty & clueless while flying high.
The Coast Guard Has Now Joined With The AirForce Division, dealing with all matters related to the coast, ocean & Submarine warfare! DLC add-ons is also supported & up to 8 Peds can be mounted, if Heli supports it.
A New General Plane Traffic Section Added: This is just for general Air Traffic scenario, where planes of your choice can spawn by arriving & taking off randomly to any of the 2 airports of Los Santos.
ScriptHookVDotNet 3.5 & Above
.NET Runtime 4.8
Recommended Complimentary Mod:
Army At SixStars Mod
Recommended Enhancements:
Air condensation on wings
Aircraft Flares and Chaff Countermeasures
Drop all files into your GTA5 scripts folder.
Change log:
v1.0 -
Official Release!
v1.1 -
> Added Option for mounting a Co-pilot for Ai ped pilot as a second seater. Both Pilot & Co-pilot Ped models are now configurable via ini setting file.
> Introduced The "Coast Guard Heli" Unit into the AirForce Division. Will be responsible for all things maritime related throughout ocean of San Andreas. Furthermore can also support up to 8 mounted Peds for their Heli, DLC add-on or vanilla. Follows the same Wanted Scheme as the Heli Wanted.
> Lastly Some Minor Additional Improvements Made.
v1.2 -
> Added ability for pilot's to engage in vehicle Ejection, upon any serious damage to their jet planes, alongside their Co-pilot. Although Parachute prop has been supplied, it is still yet observed in action, so more future testing maybe needed.
> Added Max Count capacity support for up to 8 Jets or Heli's to be able to spawn without issue, though the maximum 5 model random selection entry still remains, otherwise it could cause your game to crash if you go over. As always make sure your PC can handle this extra computing demand.
> Defaulted Coast Guard Heli's to spawn with "inBoatOnly" option, though they will stay remain in pursuit even after player leaves their boat, for they have been given authority over Water/Maritime related matters for engagement, which includes being in a Sub, underwater, swimming & etc. & will not cross over to land, except for the beach coast.
> Located & corrected some left-over minor & persistent errors that occasionally came up after long period gameplay, as a result of additional coding added. Now the Mod is made more robust & future-proof than ever!
v1.3 -
> Corrected the unresponsive Coast Guard Section, for the inBoatOnly parameter.
> Added a few more property conditions for spawning Coast Guard in the water, which wasn't really responsive from the last update.
> Private planes from the 'General Plane Traffic' section, can now be seen in the private plane parking lots, when visiting LSIA. As well as playing out there scripted Ai pilot controlled Arrival & Take-off scenario's.
v1.4 -
> Corrected a mistake made with the "Coast Guard" division, causing it to respond to Wanted Players entering any vehicle, instead of specific water-based vehicles, which eventually caused it to appear inland.
> Now added support for configurable WeaponHashes, (using the weapon name model, not values) on Heli & Coast Guard Peds. Now users are able to customize their choice of weapons they want for each mounted Ped, this includes giving them an RPG:), all except for the driver pilot obviously.
> Added the ability for Heli Pilots to perform "Emergency Landings", if & when their Heli vehicle sustains considerable damage, forcing all mounted Peds to disembark & continue their mission in pursuit of wanted Player suspect, on foot.
> Provided Jet pilots with a better parachute deployment script, upon there Ejection from a damaged Jet, although this remains to be tested for thorough conclusive proof.
v1.5 -
> Added a "Ped Model Name" input into the settings config ini file, for conveniently choosing your Peds model by name. Pedhash value input is no longer to be used. Note, When selecting a custom dlc add-on Ped you've created, it is advised not to make them a Heli driver, if you ever run into issues where the Heli keeps turning away upon arriving, until you can properly configure there Relationship status from their Ped.meta file, which is to be under a "cop" group.
Moreover, when specifically adding custom dlc add-on Peds, please mark them inside a quotation ".......", like this, PedName="navyseals", for all other original game model Peds like the SMM or SMY you don't need to use that. Write them normally using lower-case letters & avoid Capital letters.
> Added the ability to Turn off UI notification, by setting it to either "true" or "false". It comes Pre-Defaulted to "true".
v1.6 -
> Made decision to remove "Air Traffic" section from the mod, as it was under-developed & not widely used.
> Made slight Improvements to the Jet pilots "Ejection bail-out" function, whenever planes are deemed too damaged or undrivable.
> Added a new 'DogFighter' Enabler mode, for allowing Jet pilots to target at multiple target locations at once (air-to-ground & air-to-air) within a decent large radius from the user that are deemed allies of the Game player user!
> Added a 'MaxSpeed Boost' Regulator for allowing Jet planes to fly at an average speed rate whenever needed, thus enabling certain fast jets to use their maximum potential & not be bottlenecked by random slower speed rates.
> Minor Improvements made to overall mod stability & allowing for more plane models to be entered to the list without causing game crashes.
> Added Weapon Component attachments (Flash-lights on weapons) for all Heli & Paratrooper unit divisions, only visible during night-time hours!
> Few Minor Improvements made to the Spawning conditions for the, San Andreas/US Coast Guard Heli Unit Division!
> Introduced A Brand New Division, SA 'Army Airborne ParaTroopers' Unit, support for many dlc seated Cargo planes (i.e. Kawasaki C-2), many avaivable config. customizations, up to 7-ped mounts & plane piloting settings!
v1.7 -
> Fixed problems with Paratroopers not being recognized as cops relationship group, thus being shot at by law enforcement after landfall.
> Fixed a problem with Heli dismounted soldiers not being recognized as cops relationship group, thus leading to stand-offs with nearby cops.
> Made slight improvements to Paratrooper Plane round-about aerial path trajectory during dispatch.
> Improvements made to overall Paratrooper air gliding to landing process.
> Added "Search Light" toggle feature for Airforce Helicopters & Coast Guard Heli, best seen when its dark.
> Added ability for users to edit/customize "Dispatch Notification Message".
> Improved better spawning distance perception, for both Airforce Heli & Coast Guard Heli.
> Added ability for users to set there own ParaTrooper "Parachute Landing Type" animation, after soliders make landfall.
--- Please be advised, not to use both Paratrooper functions during gameplay, from either this mod or "Army At SixStars" mod. Either turn one off & use the other but not both together. As enabling both mod features of paratrooper planes in action, can cause soldiers to not be able to use there parachutes in time or just fall out of the sky, due to similar sharing of code for execution.
-Comes with Read-me instruction.
Please No re-uploading, modification or selling of this mod is permitted without full informed consent & permission by me.
İlk Yüklenme Zamanı: 9 Haziran 2023, Cuma
Son Güncellenme Zamanı: 1 gün önce
Last Downloaded: 12 dakika önce
All Versions
212 Yorum
If you guys ever played & loved "Jet Intercept When Wanted" mod, Or the recent release of "Helicopter Intercept When Wanted", then buckle your seat belts for this one. For they have full fledged joined the AirForce Military. Now under a single roof, they'll be managed by the military & comes with few delightful configurations at users pleasure.
This Mod will also serve as base compliment to upcoming release of "Army At SixStars" mod, Airforce division, giving players action packed & heart-racing moments they'll hopefully never forget.
"Custom Wanted & AirForce Traffic" New Features:
The "Heli Intercept When Wanted" mod, for many who have tested it, will now be merged with the Airforce dispatch mod, thereby consolidating both mods into one (Jets & Heli's).
Four New AirTraffic Scenario's Are Available For Player Use (Jets, Heli's, including Coast Guard & Planes).
All original features from "Jet Intercept When Wanted" & "Heli Intercept When Wanted" Is included, as well as overall stability improvements & removal of any left over bugs, from those original scripts.
Can support up to 5 simultaneous Jets/Gunner Planes & UAV Drones, & of course any custom DLC types of your choice, that's recognized as plane. Now Ai pilots can have a Co-pilot with them, for any 2 seat Jets being used in pursuit. Both the Pilot & Co-pilots are now configurable in the ini settings.
Added SixStar support & compatibility for the upcoming "Army At SixStars" mod, which will be mostly directed for the US Airforce division.
Added New Real-time UI Airforce dispatch response, so players can get an idea of whats coming there way!
The "Custom Wanted Level" configuring, still remains from 3 to 5 stars, with SixStar support for ArmyAtSixStar Mod.
For the Heli Section, custom Ped add-ons will be supported. Currently defaulted to US Airforce division, with "SMY MARINES" taking charge. Users can change this to any of there liking using PedHash entry values.
Up to 8 Peds will be supported for Helicopter mounting, given the selected choice of Heli vehicle has the 8-seat capacity. Peds are tasked & directed to shoot on site, with variety of weapons, so don't think they'll just look pretty & clueless while flying high.
The Coast Guard Has Now Joined With The AirForce Division, dealing with all matters related to the coast, ocean & Submarine warfare! DLC add-ons is also supported & up to 8 Peds can be mounted, if Heli supports it.
A New General Plane Traffic Section Added: This is just for general Air Traffic scenario, where planes of your choice can spawn by arriving & taking off randomly to any of the 2 airports of Los Santos.
ScriptHookVDotNet 3.5 & Above
.NET Runtime 4.8
Recommended Complimentary Mod:
Army At SixStars Mod
Recommended Enhancements:
Air condensation on wings
Aircraft Flares and Chaff Countermeasures
Drop all files into your GTA5 scripts folder.
Change log:
v1.0 -
Official Release!
v1.1 -
> Added Option for mounting a Co-pilot for Ai ped pilot as a second seater. Both Pilot & Co-pilot Ped models are now configurable via ini setting file.
> Introduced The "Coast Guard Heli" Unit into the AirForce Division. Will be responsible for all things maritime related throughout ocean of San Andreas. Furthermore can also support up to 8 mounted Peds for their Heli, DLC add-on or vanilla. Follows the same Wanted Scheme as the Heli Wanted.
> Lastly Some Minor Additional Improvements Made.
v1.2 -
> Added ability for pilot's to engage in vehicle Ejection, upon any serious damage to their jet planes, alongside their Co-pilot. Although Parachute prop has been supplied, it is still yet observed in action, so more future testing maybe needed.
> Added Max Count capacity support for up to 8 Jets or Heli's to be able to spawn without issue, though the maximum 5 model random selection entry still remains, otherwise it could cause your game to crash if you go over. As always make sure your PC can handle this extra computing demand.
> Defaulted Coast Guard Heli's to spawn with "inBoatOnly" option, though they will stay remain in pursuit even after player leaves their boat, for they have been given authority over Water/Maritime related matters for engagement, which includes being in a Sub, underwater, swimming & etc. & will not cross over to land, except for the beach coast.
> Located & corrected some left-over minor & persistent errors that occasionally came up after long period gameplay, as a result of additional coding added. Now the Mod is made more robust & future-proof than ever!
v1.3 -
> Corrected the unresponsive Coast Guard Section, for the inBoatOnly parameter.
> Added a few more property conditions for spawning Coast Guard in the water, which wasn't really responsive from the last update.
> Private planes from the 'General Plane Traffic' section, can now be seen in the private plane parking lots, when visiting LSIA. As well as playing out there scripted Ai pilot controlled Arrival & Take-off scenario's.
v1.4 -
> Corrected a mistake made with the "Coast Guard" division, causing it to respond to Wanted Players entering any vehicle, instead of specific water-based vehicles, which eventually caused it to appear inland.
> Now added support for configurable WeaponHashes, (using the weapon name model, not values) on Heli & Coast Guard Peds. Now users are able to customize their choice of weapons they want for each mounted Ped, this includes giving them an RPG:), all except for the driver pilot obviously.
> Added the ability for Heli Pilots to perform "Emergency Landings", if & when their Heli vehicle sustains considerable damage, forcing all mounted Peds to disembark & continue their mission in pursuit of wanted Player suspect, on foot.
> Provided Jet pilots with a better parachute deployment script, upon there Ejection from a damaged Jet, although this remains to be tested for thorough conclusive proof.
v1.5 -
> Added a "Ped Model Name" input into the settings config ini file, for conveniently choosing your Peds model by name. Pedhash value input is no longer to be used. Note, When selecting a custom dlc add-on Ped you've created, it is advised not to make them a Heli driver, if you ever run into issues where the Heli keeps turning away upon arriving, until you can properly configure there Relationship status from their Ped.meta file, which is to be under a "cop" group.
Moreover, when specifically adding custom dlc add-on Peds, please mark them inside a quotation ".......", like this, PedName="navyseals", for all other original game model Peds like the SMM or SMY you don't need to use that. Write them normally using lower-case letters & avoid Capital letters.
> Added the ability to Turn off UI notification, by setting it to either "true" or "false". It comes Pre-Defaulted to "true".
v1.6 -
> Made decision to remove "Air Traffic" section from the mod, as it was under-developed & not widely used.
> Made slight Improvements to the Jet pilots "Ejection bail-out" function, whenever planes are deemed too damaged or undrivable.
> Added a new 'DogFighter' Enabler mode, for allowing Jet pilots to target at multiple target locations at once (air-to-ground & air-to-air) within a decent large radius from the user that are deemed allies of the Game player user!
> Added a 'MaxSpeed Boost' Regulator for allowing Jet planes to fly at an average speed rate whenever needed, thus enabling certain fast jets to use their maximum potential & not be bottlenecked by random slower speed rates.
> Minor Improvements made to overall mod stability & allowing for more plane models to be entered to the list without causing game crashes.
> Added Weapon Component attachments (Flash-lights on weapons) for all Heli & Paratrooper unit divisions, only visible during night-time hours!
> Few Minor Improvements made to the Spawning conditions for the, San Andreas/US Coast Guard Heli Unit Division!
> Introduced A Brand New Division, SA 'Army Airborne ParaTroopers' Unit, support for many dlc seated Cargo planes (i.e. Kawasaki C-2), many avaivable config. customizations, up to 7-ped mounts & plane piloting settings!
v1.7 -
> Fixed problems with Paratroopers not being recognized as cops relationship group, thus being shot at by law enforcement after landfall.
> Fixed a problem with Heli dismounted soldiers not being recognized as cops relationship group, thus leading to stand-offs with nearby cops.
> Made slight improvements to Paratrooper Plane round-about aerial path trajectory during dispatch.
> Improvements made to overall Paratrooper air gliding to landing process.
> Added "Search Light" toggle feature for Airforce Helicopters & Coast Guard Heli, best seen when its dark.
> Added ability for users to edit/customize "Dispatch Notification Message".
> Improved better spawning distance perception, for both Airforce Heli & Coast Guard Heli.
> Added ability for users to set there own ParaTrooper "Parachute Landing Type" animation, after soliders make landfall.
--- Please be advised, not to use both Paratrooper functions during gameplay, from either this mod or "Army At SixStars" mod. Either turn one off & use the other but not both together. As enabling both mod features of paratrooper planes in action, can cause soldiers to not be able to use there parachutes in time or just fall out of the sky, due to similar sharing of code for execution.
-Comes with Read-me instruction.
Please No re-uploading, modification or selling of this mod is permitted without full informed consent & permission by me.
This Mod will also serve as base compliment to upcoming release of "Army At SixStars" mod, Airforce division, giving players action packed & heart-racing moments they'll hopefully never forget.
"Custom Wanted & AirForce Traffic" New Features:
The "Heli Intercept When Wanted" mod, for many who have tested it, will now be merged with the Airforce dispatch mod, thereby consolidating both mods into one (Jets & Heli's).
Four New AirTraffic Scenario's Are Available For Player Use (Jets, Heli's, including Coast Guard & Planes).
All original features from "Jet Intercept When Wanted" & "Heli Intercept When Wanted" Is included, as well as overall stability improvements & removal of any left over bugs, from those original scripts.
Can support up to 5 simultaneous Jets/Gunner Planes & UAV Drones, & of course any custom DLC types of your choice, that's recognized as plane. Now Ai pilots can have a Co-pilot with them, for any 2 seat Jets being used in pursuit. Both the Pilot & Co-pilots are now configurable in the ini settings.
Added SixStar support & compatibility for the upcoming "Army At SixStars" mod, which will be mostly directed for the US Airforce division.
Added New Real-time UI Airforce dispatch response, so players can get an idea of whats coming there way!
The "Custom Wanted Level" configuring, still remains from 3 to 5 stars, with SixStar support for ArmyAtSixStar Mod.
For the Heli Section, custom Ped add-ons will be supported. Currently defaulted to US Airforce division, with "SMY MARINES" taking charge. Users can change this to any of there liking using PedHash entry values.
Up to 8 Peds will be supported for Helicopter mounting, given the selected choice of Heli vehicle has the 8-seat capacity. Peds are tasked & directed to shoot on site, with variety of weapons, so don't think they'll just look pretty & clueless while flying high.
The Coast Guard Has Now Joined With The AirForce Division, dealing with all matters related to the coast, ocean & Submarine warfare! DLC add-ons is also supported & up to 8 Peds can be mounted, if Heli supports it.
A New General Plane Traffic Section Added: This is just for general Air Traffic scenario, where planes of your choice can spawn by arriving & taking off randomly to any of the 2 airports of Los Santos.
ScriptHookVDotNet 3.5 & Above
.NET Runtime 4.8
Recommended Complimentary Mod:
Army At SixStars Mod
Recommended Enhancements:
Air condensation on wings
Aircraft Flares and Chaff Countermeasures
Drop all files into your GTA5 scripts folder.
Change log:
v1.0 -
Official Release!
v1.1 -
> Added Option for mounting a Co-pilot for Ai ped pilot as a second seater. Both Pilot & Co-pilot Ped models are now configurable via ini setting file.
> Introduced The "Coast Guard Heli" Unit into the AirForce Division. Will be responsible for all things maritime related throughout ocean of San Andreas. Furthermore can also support up to 8 mounted Peds for their Heli, DLC add-on or vanilla. Follows the same Wanted Scheme as the Heli Wanted.
> Lastly Some Minor Additional Improvements Made.
v1.2 -
> Added ability for pilot's to engage in vehicle Ejection, upon any serious damage to their jet planes, alongside their Co-pilot. Although Parachute prop has been supplied, it is still yet observed in action, so more future testing maybe needed.
> Added Max Count capacity support for up to 8 Jets or Heli's to be able to spawn without issue, though the maximum 5 model random selection entry still remains, otherwise it could cause your game to crash if you go over. As always make sure your PC can handle this extra computing demand.
> Defaulted Coast Guard Heli's to spawn with "inBoatOnly" option, though they will stay remain in pursuit even after player leaves their boat, for they have been given authority over Water/Maritime related matters for engagement, which includes being in a Sub, underwater, swimming & etc. & will not cross over to land, except for the beach coast.
> Located & corrected some left-over minor & persistent errors that occasionally came up after long period gameplay, as a result of additional coding added. Now the Mod is made more robust & future-proof than ever!
v1.3 -
> Corrected the unresponsive Coast Guard Section, for the inBoatOnly parameter.
> Added a few more property conditions for spawning Coast Guard in the water, which wasn't really responsive from the last update.
> Private planes from the 'General Plane Traffic' section, can now be seen in the private plane parking lots, when visiting LSIA. As well as playing out there scripted Ai pilot controlled Arrival & Take-off scenario's.
v1.4 -
> Corrected a mistake made with the "Coast Guard" division, causing it to respond to Wanted Players entering any vehicle, instead of specific water-based vehicles, which eventually caused it to appear inland.
> Now added support for configurable WeaponHashes, (using the weapon name model, not values) on Heli & Coast Guard Peds. Now users are able to customize their choice of weapons they want for each mounted Ped, this includes giving them an RPG:), all except for the driver pilot obviously.
> Added the ability for Heli Pilots to perform "Emergency Landings", if & when their Heli vehicle sustains considerable damage, forcing all mounted Peds to disembark & continue their mission in pursuit of wanted Player suspect, on foot.
> Provided Jet pilots with a better parachute deployment script, upon there Ejection from a damaged Jet, although this remains to be tested for thorough conclusive proof.
v1.5 -
> Added a "Ped Model Name" input into the settings config ini file, for conveniently choosing your Peds model by name. Pedhash value input is no longer to be used. Note, When selecting a custom dlc add-on Ped you've created, it is advised not to make them a Heli driver, if you ever run into issues where the Heli keeps turning away upon arriving, until you can properly configure there Relationship status from their Ped.meta file, which is to be under a "cop" group.
Moreover, when specifically adding custom dlc add-on Peds, please mark them inside a quotation ".......", like this, PedName="navyseals", for all other original game model Peds like the SMM or SMY you don't need to use that. Write them normally using lower-case letters & avoid Capital letters.
> Added the ability to Turn off UI notification, by setting it to either "true" or "false". It comes Pre-Defaulted to "true".
v1.6 -
> Made decision to remove "Air Traffic" section from the mod, as it was under-developed & not widely used.
> Made slight Improvements to the Jet pilots "Ejection bail-out" function, whenever planes are deemed too damaged or undrivable.
> Added a new 'DogFighter' Enabler mode, for allowing Jet pilots to target at multiple target locations at once (air-to-ground & air-to-air) within a decent large radius from the user that are deemed allies of the Game player user!
> Added a 'MaxSpeed Boost' Regulator for allowing Jet planes to fly at an average speed rate whenever needed, thus enabling certain fast jets to use their maximum potential & not be bottlenecked by random slower speed rates.
> Minor Improvements made to overall mod stability & allowing for more plane models to be entered to the list without causing game crashes.
> Added Weapon Component attachments (Flash-lights on weapons) for all Heli & Paratrooper unit divisions, only visible during night-time hours!
> Few Minor Improvements made to the Spawning conditions for the, San Andreas/US Coast Guard Heli Unit Division!
> Introduced A Brand New Division, SA 'Army Airborne ParaTroopers' Unit, support for many dlc seated Cargo planes (i.e. Kawasaki C-2), many avaivable config. customizations, up to 7-ped mounts & plane piloting settings!
v1.7 -
> Fixed problems with Paratroopers not being recognized as cops relationship group, thus being shot at by law enforcement after landfall.
> Fixed a problem with Heli dismounted soldiers not being recognized as cops relationship group, thus leading to stand-offs with nearby cops.
> Made slight improvements to Paratrooper Plane round-about aerial path trajectory during dispatch.
> Improvements made to overall Paratrooper air gliding to landing process.
> Added "Search Light" toggle feature for Airforce Helicopters & Coast Guard Heli, best seen when its dark.
> Added ability for users to edit/customize "Dispatch Notification Message".
> Improved better spawning distance perception, for both Airforce Heli & Coast Guard Heli.
> Added ability for users to set there own ParaTrooper "Parachute Landing Type" animation, after soliders make landfall.
--- Please be advised, not to use both Paratrooper functions during gameplay, from either this mod or "Army At SixStars" mod. Either turn one off & use the other but not both together. As enabling both mod features of paratrooper planes in action, can cause soldiers to not be able to use there parachutes in time or just fall out of the sky, due to similar sharing of code for execution.
-Comes with Read-me instruction.
Please No re-uploading, modification or selling of this mod is permitted without full informed consent & permission by me.
İlk Yüklenme Zamanı: 9 Haziran 2023, Cuma
Son Güncellenme Zamanı: 1 gün önce
Last Downloaded: 12 dakika önce
For those users who are playing with the 'Army At Sixstars' mod, please be aware to not use both paratrooper functions, that are found within this mod ( Airforce Intercept when wanted) & its complement mod (Army At Sixstars).
It is advised to either disable the paratrooper option on the 'Army Sixstars' or the Airforce intercept mod, as using both mods with the Paratroops function active could cause too many airtraffic collisions & possible conflict with each others unit functions, which share much similarities in their coding.
@Mynamej Send me the setting config details of what you're using/putting in from the ini file.
Could you provide to simulate a dogfight mod like rechkunov's warfare one for the future updates? Meanwhile, your mods are becoming more and more wonderful🔝
@dareios87 I had earlier plans too, but due to lack of contribution over the years & the time needed to perform some research for bettering my coding skills (I'm not a coder by trade btw).
I simply gave up on these ambitions in making an all out dogfight stimulator for this mod, which I had plans on incorporating the chaffs & flares defensive tactics for the Ai planes to use.
Why does the mod not work? I did everything according to the instructions.
@yuwereru Ok first a few things to start off with.
1) You cannot rate a mod simply because you are not sure if you've met the needed requirements, & especially if you haven't asked for assistance. This would be a violation of the rating rules.
2) Did you read the basic requirements needed from the front page description? if so then what SHVDN are you using?
3) Share any error logs you may have received as well.
@nj5050, good. I understand your point.
I'll tell you more specifically what happened. The mod itself seems to be working, but military aircraft are not spawning.
@yuwereru Please list the text line of the "model=" & "numJetsWanted" down below, from the ini settings file, showing me what & how you're entering the planes.
@yuwereru Its best to make sure these plane models you have can be spawned alone without use of the Airforce mod, using any "Simple Trainer or Menyoo" mod at first.
That way if you catch any of them not spawning properly, you'll know where the problem lies.
@nj5050, by the way, nothing showed up at first, even without my planes.
@yuwereru Yeah you definitely got issues going on with your setup; be it your script folder, SHVDN version or improper placement of some file.
@nj5050, I guess not. I reinstalled the mod, removed all possible conflicting scripts and mods, but nothing changed.
@yuwereru Which SHVDN are you using? Did you try not making any changes to the ini file before loading mod?
Almost everything about this mod is good, although there is some stuff that could use improvement. I like the helicopters and paratrooper vehicles, but the fighter jet is a bit unbalanced & broken. The explosive machine gun pretty much insta kills you and ends chases abruptly, it is also very hard to avoid unless you are under something or going very fast. I think it might be due to fighter planes not having normal machine guns as an option in the game. The helicopters also spawn way to close to you, which results in sometimes getting instantly gunned down randomly, raising the spawn distance might fix that or lower the chance of it happening although I'm not sure.
@someoneil Thank you for your honest feedback, its suggestions & little highlighting of details like you presented, that will help address areas where I can improve on.
Now as for the Jet fighter division, most of the Jets firing rate & damage is not regulated under this mod, but can be fine tuned per Jet vehicle model, via namely your jets "handling.meta" & "weapon.meta" files, using OpenIV software.
Nonetheless, I can always look into other ways on making this a little better per se, in the near future update. Also, I would recommend using the "Flares & Chaffs" mod to better avoid being instantly destroyed by enemy jet fighters.
See link below.
@nj5050 Thanks for the suggestion of editing the handling.meta & weapon.meta files, I'll try that. For the fighter jet part I was only talking abt ground chases, I don't have any problems while in an aircraft (I'm already using the flare & chaffs mod as well). Other than the stuff I listed in my prev comment I don't have any problems, it's a good and fun mod to use.
IS there a way to remove the airstrikes and only have ground units?
@Superiorwitt Ground units?, from which division?
There's the Heli, Jets, Paratrooper & Coast Guard.
If there's a particular military branch you don't want to use, then you can always set the "NumPlanesWanted" to equal 0, so they don't spawn in game.
it's look like i'm getting crash with this version 1.7. when i get the five star i only got notification about deployed aircraft or heli to purse player then the script crash. here's my log.
[16:53:53] [ERROR] Caught unhandled exception:
System.ArgumentException: The VehicleSeat selected was not free
Parameter name: seat
at GTA.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(String message, String paramName) in ScriptHookVDotNet3\GTA\ThrowHelper.cs:line 87
at GTA.Vehicle.CreatePed OnSeat(VehicleSeat seat, Model model) in ScriptHookVDotNet3\GTA\Entities\Vehicles\Vehicle.cs:line 2042
at AirForce.HeliWantedController.SpawnPilotsIntoVehicle(Vehicle heli)
at AirForce.HeliWantedController.SpawnAirTraffic()
at AirForce.HeliWantedController.OnTick()
at AirForce.Main.OnTick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at SHVDN.Script.DoTick()
[16:53:53] [ERROR] The exception was thrown while executing the script AirForce.Main from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Grand Theft Auto V\scripts\AirForce Intercept v3.2.dll".
[16:53:53] [WARNING] Aborted script AirForce.Main.
at System.Threading.Thread.AbortInternal()
at System.Threading.Thread.Abort()
at SHVDN.Script.Abort()
at SHVDN.Script.DoTick()
at SHVDN.Script.MainLoop()
currently i have no issue with previous version 1.6 but this new update just crash.