Farnsworth's Armoured Car 0.5
This mod will enable a convoy of vehicles to spawn at the Maze Bank headquarters building in downtown LS. The convoy will follow a route around the city, making stops to pickup money at 5 locations. After each stop, the armoured car will be carrying more cash.
The objective is to steal the armoured vehicle and return it to a dropoff point before being killed or having the vehicle destroyed. If you make it to the dropoff, you will be rewarded with cash from the heist, however, you will still need to escape any remaining pursuers as well as any police whose attention you may have drawn.
0.5 notes
-Updated for Scripthook.net 1.0
0.4 notes
-- Should fix convoy not spawning for some
0.3 notes
-Added adjustable spawn delay. Set "minutesbetweenpickups" to the amount of minutes you want between convoy runs
0.2 notes
-Multiple bugs fixed related to blip, car, and spawn, deletion
-Multiple locations added for drop location
-Rocket wielding spawns configured to be more frequent
-Some other minor changes
0.1 notes
-Initial Release
Copy the included files (UNConvoy.net.dll & UNConvoy.ini) into your scripts folder. The mod is ambient (it will run on it's own, thus requires no keypresses).
Known Bugs
-Incompatibility with Szabo's Persistence Mod (Disable persistence (-) before getting in the armoured car (thanks reddevilthp))
-Bikers will not get back in a vehicle after falling off bike.
Please do not re-upload, modify, or otherwise alter this mod. I am happy to help if you have questions, but please respect other people's work.
Prof. Farnsworth
The objective is to steal the armoured vehicle and return it to a dropoff point before being killed or having the vehicle destroyed. If you make it to the dropoff, you will be rewarded with cash from the heist, however, you will still need to escape any remaining pursuers as well as any police whose attention you may have drawn.
0.5 notes
-Updated for Scripthook.net 1.0
0.4 notes
-- Should fix convoy not spawning for some
0.3 notes
-Added adjustable spawn delay. Set "minutesbetweenpickups" to the amount of minutes you want between convoy runs
0.2 notes
-Multiple bugs fixed related to blip, car, and spawn, deletion
-Multiple locations added for drop location
-Rocket wielding spawns configured to be more frequent
-Some other minor changes
0.1 notes
-Initial Release
Copy the included files (UNConvoy.net.dll & UNConvoy.ini) into your scripts folder. The mod is ambient (it will run on it's own, thus requires no keypresses).
Known Bugs
-Incompatibility with Szabo's Persistence Mod (Disable persistence (-) before getting in the armoured car (thanks reddevilthp))
-Bikers will not get back in a vehicle after falling off bike.
Please do not re-upload, modify, or otherwise alter this mod. I am happy to help if you have questions, but please respect other people's work.
Prof. Farnsworth
İlk Yüklenme Zamanı: 31 Mayıs 2015, Pazar
Son Güncellenme Zamanı: 18 Haziran 2015, Perşembe
Last Downloaded: 2 gün önce
86 Yorum
This mod will enable a convoy of vehicles to spawn at the Maze Bank headquarters building in downtown LS. The convoy will follow a route around the city, making stops to pickup money at 5 locations. After each stop, the armoured car will be carrying more cash.
The objective is to steal the armoured vehicle and return it to a dropoff point before being killed or having the vehicle destroyed. If you make it to the dropoff, you will be rewarded with cash from the heist, however, you will still need to escape any remaining pursuers as well as any police whose attention you may have drawn.
0.5 notes
-Updated for Scripthook.net 1.0
0.4 notes
-- Should fix convoy not spawning for some
0.3 notes
-Added adjustable spawn delay. Set "minutesbetweenpickups" to the amount of minutes you want between convoy runs
0.2 notes
-Multiple bugs fixed related to blip, car, and spawn, deletion
-Multiple locations added for drop location
-Rocket wielding spawns configured to be more frequent
-Some other minor changes
0.1 notes
-Initial Release
Copy the included files (UNConvoy.net.dll & UNConvoy.ini) into your scripts folder. The mod is ambient (it will run on it's own, thus requires no keypresses).
Known Bugs
-Incompatibility with Szabo's Persistence Mod (Disable persistence (-) before getting in the armoured car (thanks reddevilthp))
-Bikers will not get back in a vehicle after falling off bike.
Please do not re-upload, modify, or otherwise alter this mod. I am happy to help if you have questions, but please respect other people's work.
Prof. Farnsworth
The objective is to steal the armoured vehicle and return it to a dropoff point before being killed or having the vehicle destroyed. If you make it to the dropoff, you will be rewarded with cash from the heist, however, you will still need to escape any remaining pursuers as well as any police whose attention you may have drawn.
0.5 notes
-Updated for Scripthook.net 1.0
0.4 notes
-- Should fix convoy not spawning for some
0.3 notes
-Added adjustable spawn delay. Set "minutesbetweenpickups" to the amount of minutes you want between convoy runs
0.2 notes
-Multiple bugs fixed related to blip, car, and spawn, deletion
-Multiple locations added for drop location
-Rocket wielding spawns configured to be more frequent
-Some other minor changes
0.1 notes
-Initial Release
Copy the included files (UNConvoy.net.dll & UNConvoy.ini) into your scripts folder. The mod is ambient (it will run on it's own, thus requires no keypresses).
Known Bugs
-Incompatibility with Szabo's Persistence Mod (Disable persistence (-) before getting in the armoured car (thanks reddevilthp))
-Bikers will not get back in a vehicle after falling off bike.
Please do not re-upload, modify, or otherwise alter this mod. I am happy to help if you have questions, but please respect other people's work.
Prof. Farnsworth
İlk Yüklenme Zamanı: 31 Mayıs 2015, Pazar
Son Güncellenme Zamanı: 18 Haziran 2015, Perşembe
Last Downloaded: 2 gün önce
@Prof_Farnsworth OMG OMG THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH for the help:-) my problem was that my Scripthook.net version was old, and when i got the new version 1.0 i could FINALY se the garbage truck and i was so happy this mod is absolutly 1 of the best out there keep up the good work
@peterchen Do you have the latest Scripthook.net version?
@Prof_Farnsworth -Multiple locations added for drop location
how do i change the route in the ini?
Changing the below values will allow you to set up a custom route for the convoy
@TONY YAYO - Glad you got it working. The custom routes are not set up yet as I cannot read vectors from an ini with the hook yet. When we can, I will update the instructions. There are a few items in the ini that are not active as this was a port from GTA IV.
Yes. Other .NET scripts is working.
@enesbi - Not sure what could be causing that issue. In the next update I will have a key that can spawn the convoy. Should make testing easier.
@Prof_Farnsworth Great! It's working, can't believe it. The reason why it hasn't spawned anything is because I haven't approached the Maze Bank area. cuz I have been never clear about where is the Maze Bank, until yestaday I happened to stroll into the Maze Bank area, the blue garbage truck blip appeared.
@peterchen - LOL hilarious. Glad it's working for you. Hope you enjoy it!
Fantastic work Fansworth! As are all your other mods. ;)
Any chance this might get updated with more routes? Maybe some criminal couriers?
@Foxtrone - I would like to update it, but unless Scripthook.net gets updated to read vectors, it would involve a lengthy rewrite, and I am tied up with a couple projects right now. So, in short, soon, but not as soon as I would like. Once it is, you will be able to create and add as many routes as you like. Glad you enjoy it.
What an awesome mod! Do you think you could add more convoys, and a time schedule for them to look at so you could like.. plan heists.
@GobblerOfKnobs - Thanks man, glad you enjoy it! I plan to add more convoys, different vehicles, etc. Right now I don't have an easy way to do this but in the future I will. Time schedule is a possibility, but it will need some teeth to make it work properly.
Update please! It's the best mod ever ! I played it in GTA IV, i loved :D
Hi, since you are not updating this mod, is there any chance to release the source?
Never mind, I managed to disassemble and fix the errors myself and now it's also working on latest scripthookt. Although the general idea is cool, it has LOTS of bugs. There are 7 drop locations and some of them unreachable, thus nullify all your effort to get there. Honestly I don't get it, after making this uber gigantic script, the proper location config is like super easy to make right.
Another one is, when you get out of the armored truck during the chase, the drop location will change randomly to another. There is no check to prevent this behavior. At the start, when the convoy spawns, the escort cars get stuck a lot. And there is also strange police behavior, sometimes I am wanted, sometimes not.
But I still like it and I think it's one of the best scripts on site.
[15:10:16] [ERROR] Caught fatal unhandled exception:
System.MissingMethodException: Metoda nebyla nalezena: GTA.Vehicle[] GTA.World.GetNearbyVehicles(GTA.Ped, Single, Int32).
v UNAttack.UNConvoy.vehFollow()
v UNAttack.UNConvoy.UNConvoy_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
v GTA.Script.MainLoop()
does this not work? updated to newest scripthook.net, not working, running legit version of gta 5
Guys this script is dead, don't even try to run it on newer scripthook. Unless you can fix it yourself, IT WILL NOT WORK. NEVER..
damn really wanted it to work, no wonder it doesn't show up at the location
can you please fix this mod please? it does not work.