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    @zindongyi i tried what you asked me but it still crashes, in the menu where you can chose "options" , "online" and "story mode" it doesn't crash i can stay there forever, but when i want to enter "story mode" or "online" it stays like 20+ seconds and after that crashes, i even tried without any mods and stuff and does the exact same fkin thing to make it clear i uninstalled and installed the game twice and tried to run it but as i said the exact same problem with the crash

    2 Mayıs 2024, Perşembe
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    @F7YO I did what you said, still doesn't work

    30 Nisan 2024, Salı
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    searched everyting, uninstalled all mods, installed the game 2 times,did everything you guys said, i watched 13 youtube videos, i did this shit for 8 hours straight...and still crashes

    30 Nisan 2024, Salı